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“The Curiosity in Mind certainly keeps a Researcher Alive"

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Peer Review Article (Published/Submitted)

* Corresponding author

6. *Behera B.M., Tripathy A. and Biswal T.K., (2022). Strength enhanced by pseudotachylite melt in fault zone rocks during post-seismic melting: a case study from the Gangavalli fault zone, Southern India. Journal of Earth System Science. 131(4), 1-15. PDF. Link 

5. Biswal T.K., Pradhan R.M., Sharma N.K., Tiwari S.K., Beniest A., Behera B.M., Singh S., Saraswati R., Bharadwaj A., Umasankar B.H., and Singh Y.K. (2022) A review on deformation structures of different terranes in the Precambrian Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB), NW India: Tectonic implications and global correlation. Earth-Science Reviews. 104037 

4. Mishra P.K., *Behera B.M. and Mahapatro S.N. (2022) Clast size analysis of pseudotachylite co-existing with mylonite: Constraints on evolution of Mahanadi Shear Zone, Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, India. Journal of Earth System Science. 131(2), 1-13 PDF. Link 

3. Meher B, *Behera B.M. and Biswal T.K., (2020) Dynamic recrystallization mechanisms and vorticity estimation of Terrane Boundary Shear Zone (Lakhna shear zone): Implications on dynamics of juxtaposition of Eastern Ghats mobile belt with Bastar craton, NW Odisha. Journal of Earth System Science. 129, 124. PDF. Link 

2. *Behera B.M., Waele B.D., Thirukumaran V., Sundaralingam K., Narayanan S., Sivalingam B. and Biswal T.K., (2019). Kinematics, strain pattern and geochronology of Salem-Attur shear zone: Tectonic implications for the multiple sheared Salem-Namakkal blocks of the Southern Granulite terrane, India. Precambrian Research, 324, 32-61. PDF. Link 

1. *Behera B.M., Thirukumaran V., Soni A., Mishra P.K. and Biswal T.K., (2017). Size distribution and roundness study of clasts within Pseudotachylytes of the Gangavalli Shear Zone, Salem, Tamil Nadu: an insight to its origin and tectonic significance. Journal of Earth System Science. 126(4), 46. PDF. Link

0. Mishra P.K., Behera B.M. and Biswal T.K. (2016). Photograph of the month, Journal of Structural Geology, 88, iii–iv.

DOI: 10.1016/S0191-8141(16)30070-0. PDF. Link

Book Chapter (Published/Submitted)

* Corresponding author

1. Behera B.M., Thirukumaran V., Sharma N.K. and *Biswal T.K., (2020). A preliminary study on Earthquake source properties based on geochemistry, shear resistance and melt pressure of pseudotachylites, Gangavalli fault, South India. In Structural Geometry of Mobile Belts of the Indian Subcontinent. Springer Cham. 175-197. 

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-40593-9_8. PDF. Link 

Conference Abstracts(National/International)

* Presenting author

6. *Behera B.M., Tripathy A. and Biswal T.K., (2021). Strength evolution in fault rocks during pre-and post-seismic melting: the Gangavalli fault zone, Southern India. Tectonic Studies Group (TSG)@50 AGM 2021: Virtual Meeting, 5-8 January 2021. Abstract. PDF

5. *Behera B.M. and Biswal T.K., (2018). Interchangeable stress condition inferred from paleo-stress analysis of pseudotachylyte vein emplacement from Gangavalli (Southern India). 5th Conference and workshop on "Rock Deformation and Structures (RDS-V)", Delhi. 4-6 October 2018. Abstract.  PDF 

4. *Behera B.M., Tripathy A. and Biswal T.K., (2018). Pre- and post-seismic strength variation of melt associated fault rock from Gangavalli shear zone: a reappraisal study using point load test and petrography study of pseudotachylyte vein. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2018 Virtual Poster Showcase, Washington D.C. USA, 10-14 December 2018. Abstract Volume. PDF & VIDEO

3. *Behera B.M. and Biswal T.K., (2018). Paleostress analysis from Gangavalli (Southern India): Inferred from pseudotachylyte emplacement and fracture data. National seminar on Effects of Paleo and Anthropogenic events of Earth System & Annual General Meeting (AGM)-2018 of Geological Society of India. 19-21 September 2018. Abstract Volume. PDF 

2. *Behera B.M., Biswal T.K. and Thirukumaran V., (2016). Breakneck frictional melt from Gangavalli shear zone, an eastern part of regional Salem-Attur shear zone, Tamil Nadu: an evidence of strike slip brittle deformation. Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of India, 2016. p.58-60. Abstract Volume. PDF Link

1. *Behera B.M.Thirukumaran V. and Biswal T.K., (2016). Brittle deformation in Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT): A study of pseudotachylyte bearing fractures along Gangavalli shear zone (GSZ), Tamil Nadu, India. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016, Europe, Vol.18, EGU2016-18128. Abstract Volume. PDF Link

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